Sunday, January 2, 2011

Newness and Change

Happy New Year!!

There is something that I cannot explain about New Years -- I have a fondness for the change and the new beginnings they bring..

Every year I become excited right after the beginning of November. I clean my closets, whittle down on the "clutter" and review calenders with a whole different fervor. If you know me, you realize I love calenders unlike most people. I have an affinity for the organization and clean lines of a new month when you pull away the old month. It is multiplied substantially when I peel away a whole new year.. and start a new one!

That being said I hope you have begun your new year well. I hope it becomes a phenomenal year in every way!  I encourage you to set goals and keep them. Goal setting isn't something you beat yourself up over, it is a plan to make yourself better than you are and closer to the person you are fully capable of. Little or small, everyone should have goals.

For me, I want to see my blog grow, my family love life and become strengthened, and I want to grow into a better mother, wife and friend.

Goals can be simple and basic it's setting and keeping them that is difficult, but when you do there is a sense of accomplishment that can't be described!

What are your hopes, goals or ideas for 2011?
May 2011 be a wonderful year for you all!!

1 comment:

  1. I love calendars too! And anything organizational. I love the start of the new year and it's freshness. I definitely get organized all over again then. Aside from the things you mentioned, which I would love to see happen this year as well, I want to cook new GF recipes. Already started! :)
