Saturday, November 13, 2010

Shopping Woes: There is hope and I have one suggestion

In the beginning of our allergy transition I had no idea what I would find to cook for my daughter. She had just began eating solids when we had clear concerns of allergies-- very severe allergies, at that. We were a healthy, organic (as much as possible) food family. In my home there were to ALWAYS be more veggies, than meat, and more whole grains than empty carbs, and I would never, under any circumstances feed her junk food. My daughter is no longer a baby - she has had some junk food in her life, and she loves broccoli, and her favorite drink is water -- but she has severe allergies to some basic staples for protein in the area of veggies, and meat. She has egg, chicken (previously- happy to say no longer!) and pea allergies. When you combine those allergies with a few of the "major 8", it makes it difficult to find a balanced and tasty meal. Early on I decided to find a basic recipe that I could change, and work with through the years, if needed because of other allergies, or just to allow for  a different "feel" at dinner. In my family it's known as "Rice and Sausage" you can find it here.

Throughout the years, I have become the biggest fan of this dish. My children, husband, friends and random people I pass the recipe to always rave- but my LOVE for the recipe simply stems from the need that most us moms have: To lovingly provide and care for our children, and husbands, especially at the dinner table.

My biggest suggestion is: come up with one basic recipe that you can change, add, or take away from, and still feel the pleasure of feeding your family a somewhat balanced and tasty meal.
There is hope, it may come one meal at a time, one week at a time, but it is there.

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