Friday, November 26, 2010

Try This Not That: Alternatives for Eczema Treaments, Help for Dry Skin Part 2

In my last post I reviewed some possible alternative treatments for Eczema and dry skin. We will continue to look at other options in this post.

With regard to topical ointments: it’s difficult to find things that work as fast, or as efficient as a steroid. What is great about steroids is their efficiency, they do an amazing job clearing up skin that is having an allergic reaction. What is not so great about them is the harmful side effects that can be immediate, or long term.

My girls like to feel as though I’m doing something to help them when they are struggling with the itchys. Most kids do. That is why band aids are the first thing a child wants when they have a boo-boo that isn’t visible. Children like the action of someone fixing a problem in a tangible or visible way. This is where our topical ointments come in, at least in my family. I’ve tried everything there is to try on the shelf at mass retailers and drugstores. While there are some that have been great, there are other creams, or ointments that I wouldn’t suggest anyone try.

Oddly enough two of my favorite "steroid ointment alternative" products can be found in your kitchen!

I absolutely LOVE olive oil for everyones skin: Something I’ve done for my girls since nearly a few weeks of age is to use olive oil rather than baby oil. It still calms the skin but also nourishes in a way that I think is a far better.

I try to (carefully) use it in the bath when possible with my girls. Two capfuls with a full tub of water will allow for softer more soothed skin. Obviously my suggestion is to make sure you clean the tub immediately after the bath to avoid accidents for the next in line at the shower!

The second product that I love is vitamin E. A capsule, or if you can find a health food store that sells variations, a cream that is pure does a wonderful job for healing eczema. The capsules are the best if you have small patches that need attention. Break a capsule with the end of a pin, or needle (sterilized) and squeeze the gel onto a cotton swab for easy application to the area.

The third product I love is something that I use for EVERYTHING! I am smitten with this product and I believe everyone should have at least one bottle in their homes. The company California Baby sells a product called Diaper Area Wash, this stuff is amazing. Its primary intended use is for diaper cleanings as an alternative to baby wipes. It works well for diaper changes, as well as bug bite itchys, burns, cuts, scrapes and eczema. The two things I love most about it are:

1. I don’t have to touch my daughters eczema to apply something that gives instant relief.
2. I use it for more than one thing, so if there are times that she doesn’t have eczema, it’s not sitting on my shelf unused, taking up space.

The smell is amazing, and it doesn’t take much for an effect. All of my girls swear by this product. Each of them love the fact that it is a fun spray and they like that it helps immediately! This is one of the things I suggest you get to take with you in the event of a road-trip, or day out. You’ll be glad you did!

Some other alternatives to steroids are aloe, and calendula. I know that for my middle daughter calendula is a wonderful thing. We use the California Baby calendula based creams, and their pure Calendula cream too. My oldest complains that the calendula cream doesn’t work so well for her. Since everyone is different I will mention the option. Hopefully it’s a product that will provide relief for you. You can find calendula creams on the internet (see the "My Favorites" box) and at your local health food store.

Aloe is a wonderful soothing alternative, but I will offer this caution: If you have allergies to trees/pollen/environmental allergies in general -- be careful with aloe. While research is not consistent, I have seen reports that state Aloe can cause, or worsen allergies. 

I understand very well the struggles with eczema. While the above mentioned alternatives may not work for everyone, I suggest you try them. Once you use them regularly they will likely provide some relief, and that will at bare minimum cut down on the need for steroid applications. Over the course of my natural alternative posts there will be other options that will address eczema. It's a battle that seems to never end in our home. On the days we have control over the eczema there is better sleep, better attitudes, and happier people in our home! I hope that the above suggestions allow for the same in your home!!

As always, check with your Dr. before trying any new treatment that they may not have prescribed!

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